In case you're wondering, to the left were a bunch of magnets I brought on our Royal Caribbean cruise to help identify our cabin. If you've been on one, then you know what I'm talking about. All the doors look the same. They REALLY came in handy for us...and another group on our floor. You see, they had an elderly woman in their group and she had a hard time finding their room, too. So, they "borrowed" one of my magnets to her out. I had no problem with that, as I counted it as free advertisement for my book. I guess you could say we helped each other. A win-win, baby!
In about 4 weeks, I'll be attending Momocon with my teen cosplayer, and we can't wait. This will be our first time there, but it seems to be pretty big in the anime world. If you're there and see me around, feel free to stop and say hello. And as always, I'll most likely be carrying some merch with me, too. I don't go anywhere with out it and I love giving it away for free.
As for what's new, we've added GalaxyCon Raleigh to our list of stops along with a "possible" stop at Soda City in Columbia SC. I wasn't planning to do as many cons this year, but let's face it. I love comic cons and I love supporting my cosplayer. The good news is these two cons won't set me back too much. I don't know if anything else will turn up, but if it does, it needs to be local for me.
As for what lies ahead in our future con list (2025), I have my sights set on something in FL and perhaps near Dallas. I want to expand not only my horizons, but my reach, too.